
Tyler Nienhouse's Blog

Setup Gmail SMTP in KMail

** Images in older articles have been lost ** After easily setting up your Gmail IMAP account in KMail (perhaps using a tutorial like the one featured on Jatecblog) you may wonder how to set up your outgoing SMTP acout too.  After some looking around, I don’t see much of anything on this subject other than people having problems setting … Read More

Import Reader Feeds into Akregator

** Images in older articles have been lost ** I just moved over to KDE 3.5 (the good old days) and was migrating everything over to Kontact (which includes Akregator) and decided it would be nice to import my Google Reader feeds into Akregator. I’ve compiled steps on how I did this myself. 1. Head over to Google Reader (http://google.com/reader/) … Read More